ELectrical ● HYdraulic ● MEChanics
Sheldon Enterprises LLC
8940 Zachary Lane N
Maple Grove, MN 55369

El-Hy-Mec is one of the most experienced companies in the five-state area, concentrating our services on the repair and rebuilding of industrial machinery, hydraulic and electrical troubleshooting. The primary strength of this company is our experienced and proficient staff that is committed in providing excellent service. Our technicians have the knowledge and field experience in hydraulics, pneumatic, electrical and electronic, as well as mechanical. Our customers benefit from our broad range of skills and expertise that provides them with the latest technical information.
We are 100% committed to providing prompt, quality service and ensuring your satisfaction. Call us if you are less than satisfied with our service and we will do everything possible to make it right.


Custom-built mezzanines donated to the Osseo Fire Department
The Osseo Fire Department recently had two custom-built mezzanines installed in the fire station.
Firefighter John Nyquist worked with his coworker Steve Skogstad at Spantek Expanded Metal of Hopkins to have labor and materials generously donated to make this project happen.
According to Osseo Fire Chief Mike Phenow, to get the mezzanines fabricated, painted, and installed, they worked with their frequent business collaborators Aaron Sheldon and Rich Schmidt of EL-HY-MEC of Maple Grove, who also generously donated labor and materials.
These mezzanines give the department a way to better utilize their limited space and organize equipment in a way that makes a big difference in day-to-day operations at the fire station.